With so many books about dating out there, why write another one?

August 13, 2017 Daniel Johnson

Photo from Pixabay

First, I’d like to say a short word about my upcoming book, which is titled Disposable: When Dating is Not Loving Your Neighbor.

In contrast to the typical book on this subject, mine is not so much about how to get a relationship (or even improve one), but rather about how to think about culture and then act accordingly: Its focus is understanding the dominant dating culture and its origins, contrasting its dealings with what it means to love God and our neighbor, and encouraging everyone to build relationships—romantic ones included—on the basis of friendship. It is complementary to those books that emphasize moral purity: While my book does advocate that, it goes deeper and elucidates the tension that exists between the dominant dating culture and the great commandments, in the expectation that such an understanding will more naturally lead to right and sensible choices. Thus, it will appeal to those who are frustrated with the dominant dating culture and are looking for something other than a set of rules or guidelines by which to live, but instead would like a deeper understanding of culture and how Christian belief can guide our response to it.

I’ll have much more to say about these topics in the coming weeks.