It’s all about me!

October 2, 2018 Daniel Johnson

Image from Pixabay

The me-centeredness of Western culture, particularly with respect to sexual matters, is a reflection of immaturity; a truly mature person is an outward-looking one who desires to become more loving and more giving, not one who is focused on what he or she can get. Given that the mindset of most is self-serving, though, it is not surprising that the dating culture is predominantly one that is contrived and artificial, with the players being manipulative and deceitful. The fact that this behavior has been largely accepted by Western society as the way that men and women should relate to each other—as normative—is an indication of how alienated from God its thinking has become.

Those who cherish virtues, such as honesty and unconditional love, will not feel at home in the dominant dating culture, even if they cannot precisely pinpoint the reason for their unease. Indeed, it is impossible for the virtuous person to be happy about putting his or her interests ahead of others’.