The subject of my book—dating and relationships—is something I’ve been thinking about almost my entire life, although most of its content grew out of my thoughts and experiences as a young adult, prior to getting married. I’ve been able to test those ideas over time, arriving at a presentation that I believe is insightful, helpful, and Christian.
I studied math and physics at the University of Virginia and earned a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Illinois. (You can call me “Doctor” after I perform my first operation; until then, it’s “Dan.”) After that I served as an officer in the US Air Force and worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Würzburg in Germany. I currently work in Silicon Valley (California). None of that has anything to do with dating, but now you know.
On the other hand, the following does have something to do with relationships: I am the happy husband of one wife and the proud father of our son (see our favorite family photo, taken 2009).