writing at the intersection of faith, reason, and culture

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Imagine a world where everyone made upright choices and acted accordingly. How many fewer problems—personal, cultural, and political—would there be? It’s been said that right behavior begins with right thinking. But that raises the question: What is the right way to think about things?

I’m a scientist by profession and a philosopher at heart, a Christian who believes in an ordered universe. For me, faith and reason are complementary, not contradictory. They allow us to think about things from different perspectives, to explore the world of ideas, and to arrive at deeper understanding, thereby impacting the culture.

One topic at the intersection of faith, reason, and culture that has always fascinated me is how men and women treat each other. My book titled Disposable: When Dating is Not Loving Your Neighbor explains the dominant dating culture and how it falls short of God’s ideal. The book explains that the dominant dating culture is based on selfishness, in contrast to God’s call to love our neighbor, which would have us make friendship the basis of our relationships, including romantic ones. Visit my blog to learn more and...

Think along with me.